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European Science Foundation - Call for Call for Proposals


The European Science Foundation invites researchers to submit proposals for conferences to take place in 2012. The call covers Environmental Sciences, Molecular Biology, Mathematics, Physics/Biophysics, Social Sciences and Humanities. Successful proposals will be awarded a conference grant of EUR 30-40k and organised within the framework of the ESF Research Conferences Scheme.


Submission Deadline: 15 September 2012. Further information can be found at: http://www.esf.org/conferences/call


Scheme Objectives

The ESF Research Conferences Scheme brings together researchers from different nationalities, backgrounds and disciplines, and at different career stages to jointly discuss the latest developments in new and emerging fields of research. ESF Research Conferences promote free discussion and exchange of information, and aim to create long-term networks between participants. Participation is open to researchers from academia, industry, society and politics worldwide.


Conference Format

The conferences usually last 4-5 days and take place at predefined venues across Europe. Attendance is limited to a maximum of 150 participants (including invited speakers). Young and early-stage researchers are encouraged to attend and to present a short talk or a poster; some of them will receive financial support.


Funding Criteria and Assessment Process

Proposals must demonstrate a high relevance to the scientific community in terms of novelty, originality and timeliness. Proposals are evaluated through international peer review and selected by review panels composed of members of the ESF Scientific Committees and scientists nominated by the Partner Organisations. The international peer review takes place between October and December 2010. The review panel meetings take place in early 2011. Decisions are communicated at the end of March 2011.


Terms of the Award

The selected proposals will be awarded a grant of EUR 30.000 to 40.000, to be used for the support of invited speakers and young and early stage researchers(grantees). Successful proponents will be responsible for the scientific programme and quality of the conference as well as the allocation of grants. All administrative and logistical aspects of the conference organisation will be taken care of by the ESF Conferences Unit.


Further Information

Submission Deadline: 15 September 2012.

Further information can be found at: http://www.esf.org/conferences/call

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European Science Foundation, Conferences Unit | 149 avenue Louise | B-1050 Brussels | www.esf.org/conferences