#arthistoCast Beitrag

Eine nicht mehr ganz so neue Zeitschrift

Heute kam über einen Verteiler folgende Meldung


Rebus: A Journal of Art History and Theory has now published its fifth issue,

edited by Natasha Adamou and Iris Balija.

This issue brings together essays on contemporary photography and exhibition

reviews. As ever, we are looking out for strong essays on any aspect of art

history, theory, aesthetics for inclusion in Rebus 6 (which will come out end

of this year).


Here are the contents for this issue:






The issue can be viewed here:


And we have a facebook group for the journal as well:


email: rebus@essex.ac.uk


I hope you all enjoy this current issue!


Das Beste daran: Es wird gar nicht mehr extra darauf hingewiesen,

dass es sich um eine Zeitschrift handelt, die online erscheint.


Richtig so!