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RIHA Journal wird zweistellig!


RIHA Journal. Journal of the International Association of Research Institutes in the History of Art (www.riha-journal.org)


hat soeben Artikel Nr. 10 veröffentlicht:


Martin A. Berger


Fixing Images: Civil Rights Photography and the Struggle Over Representation




"Fixing Images" argues that the iconic photographs of civil rights played a key role in limiting the racial reforms of the 1960s. The famous photographs of [...]


Außerdem zuletzt erschienen:


RIHA Journal 0009


Anne Ring Petersen


Attention and Distraction: On the Aesthetic Experience of Video Installation Art




This article examines the interrelationship between attention and distraction in the reception of video installation art, a genre which is commonly associated with "immersion" and an intensified feeling of presence. This tends to veil the fact that [...]


RIHA Journal 0008


Susan Tipton


Diplomatie und Zeremoniell in Botschafterbildern von Carlevarijs und Canaletto




The article investigates representations of entries and audiences of European ambassadors and envoys within the context of early modern diplomacy. In the light of new archival material [...]


RIHA Journal 0007


Fritz Koreny


Ein unbekanntes Meisterwerk altdeutscher Glaskunst: Hans Wertingers gläserne Hostienschale von 1498




This hitherto unknown glass paten with églomisé painting, dated 1498 and measuring 36 cm in diameter, depicts the meeting of Abraham and Melchisedek. The painting can be attributed to Hans Wertinger [...]


Alle bisher veröffentlichten Beiträge gibt's unter www.riha-journal.org/articles/2010.




Regina Wenninger


Managing Editor RIHA Journal






RIHA Journal is a peer reviewed Open Access journal featuring high quality research articles on any topic in the history of art and visual culture. The journal is a joint project of the 27 member institutes of RIHA, the International Association of Research Institutes in the History of Art (www.riha-institutes.org). Funding is provided by the German Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (Der Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien, BKM). All articles published in RIHA Journal are available free of charge. Submissions are welcome at any time. Further informationen at: www.riha-journal.org.