#arthistoCast Beitrag

Badisches Landesmuseum: Winter School "Beyond Borders"

Winter School from April 3rd to April 5th 2020

Entangle Yourself! Our exhibition “Emperor and Sultan. Neighbors in the heart of Europe 1600 – 1700” is special in many ways. Not only does it mark the 100th anniversary of the Badisches Landesmuseum, it also attempts to shift the perspective of history. Within the exhibition, stories of wars and diplomacy are the frame for an “entangled history” of East-Central and Southeast Europe in the 17th century.

To further discuss and advance the perspective of “entangled history”, we want to invite you to our Winter School. This Winter School will be held from April 3rd to April 5th 2020 in Karlsruhe and addresses all students and scholars of History and the Humanities. The idea for the event is the result of cooperation between the Badisches Landesmuseum and the Historical Department of the University of Zagreb. Several partners from East-Central and Southeast Europe, the so called “Heart of Europe” are invited to attend – we expect a truly international event!

The main part of the Winter School will be a barcamp on Saturday. Within this format, you decide:


  • the topics— how to debate (open discussion, workshop, lecture, etc.)
  • which tools you would like to use (computer, flipchart, whiteboard, etc.)
  • whether you like to present the results and how

The format of the barcamp offers an inspiring framework to develop new ideas and perspectives. All participants are equal which allows for engaged and open debates. By using the format of the barcamp we hope to increase our understanding of “entangled history” and (most important) to have a great time!

As hosts, we provide the setting, a little bit of input and the moderation of the barcamp; catering is free of charge and all participants receive a certificate of participation.

A more detailed description of the Winter School and the format of the barcamp can be found here:
https://beyondborders.landesmuseum.de/ und https://umfrage.landesmuseum.de/s/11c8db9