E-Journals in arthistoricum.net A - Z

21: Inquiries into Art, History, and the Visual. Beiträge zur Kunstgeschichte und visuellen Kultur

1.2020 –

ISSN: 2701-1569; eISSN: 2701-1550

21 is a forum for art history which embraces the full range of diverse objects, questions, and methodologies within the discipline. In parallel with this openness in subject matter, 21: Inquiries will be available online as an Open-Access-eJournal, making it freely accessible to the widest possible audience. Four issues are published annually, which are available as a free online edition (PDF/html) and as a print-on-demand version.

Aachener Kunstblätter

1.1906 –

ISSN: 0515-0612; eISSN: 2510-2427

The journal was founded in 1906 and published by the former Aachen Museumsverein and its curator Hermann Schweitzer. The Aachener Kunstblätter provide scientific articles and it aims to promote the understanding of the collections of the municipal museum.

AKMB-News - Informationen zu Kunst, Museum und Bibliothek

1.1995 –

ISSN: 0949-8419; eISSN: 2197-7402

Since 1995 the journal provides information about the activities of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Kunst- und Museumsbibliotheken (AKMB) and supports the professional discourse between art libraries, museum libraries, and other related institutions. The online-edition is published with a delay of one year.

Anzeiger des Germanischen Nationalmuseums

1922/23 – 1970

ISSN: 0341-8383; eISSN: 2510-4691

In 1884 the bulletin Zeitschrift des Germanisches Nationalmuseums succeeded its predecessor, the Anzeiger für Kunde der deutschen Vorzeit. General information on the Germanisches Nationalmuseum were published in it until and including 1921.

Anzeiger für Kunde der deutschen Vorzeit. Organ des Germanischen Museums

1853 – 1883

eISSN: 2509-6338

Der monatlich erscheinende „Anzeiger für Kunde der deutschen Vorzeit“ wurde in den Jahren von 1853 bis 1883 vom Germanischen Museum herausgegeben, dem heutigen Germanischen Nationalmuseum. Die Inhalte umfassen neben dem klassischen Tätigkeitsbericht auch wissenschaftliche Abhandlungen.

Baessler-Archiv – Kulturen und Künste der Welt

66.2020 –

eISSN: 2940-7346

The journal of the Ethnological Museum of the National Museums in Berlin was founded in 1910 by the traveller and researcher Arthur Baessler (1857-1906), patron of the museum. It is published every year.
It brings together contributions on cultures and arts of the world, including issues such as provenance research, object biographies and cooperation with societies of origin, research results on material culture as well as essays on topics of museum work such as collecting, researching, preserving and exhibiting.

Belvedere Research Journal

2023 –

eISSN: 2960-5741

The Belvedere Research Journal is an international peer-reviewed open access e-journal, which is published as a continuous issue throughout the year. The journal is thematically based on the Belvedere collection and devoted to research in Austrian art history in the broadest historical and geographical sense. We seek work concerned with developments in the former Habsburg Empire and Central Europe broadly defined from the medieval period to the present day.

Burgen und Schlösser : Zeitschrift für Burgenforschung und Denkmalpflege

1.1995 –

ISSN: 0007-6201; eISSN: 2567-3041

Since its foundation in 1899 the German Castles Association (DBV) has published a scientific journal dedicated to research into castles and other historical fortifications and residence. Until 1959 the journal was called The Burgwart.

Concilium medii aevi

1.1998 –

eISSN: 1437-904X

Founded in 1998 as the first online journal for medieval studies, Concilium medii aevi (CMA) has developed into an internationally recognised interdisciplinary forum for medieval studies and research on the early modern period. The contributions and reviews come from history, art history, archaeology and other subjects.

conserva. Beiträge zur Erhaltung von Kunst- und Kulturgut

2022 –

eISSN: 2940-6528

Conserva - Beiträge zur Erhaltung von Kunst- und Kulturgut (Contributions to the Conservation of Art and Cultural Property) has been published twice a year in open access since autumn 2022 and offers specialist articles, conference reports and reviews on all areas of conservation and the research of historical artefacts and techniques. The journal is published by the Association of Conservators.

Construction KIT

1.2023 –

eISSN: 2942-2876

Construction KIT: a review journal for research tools and data services in the humanities is a peer-reviewed open access journal. It sees computational work as a relevant part of humanities research in the field of digital humanities. It strives to extend the tradition of reviewing to the field of software, thereby establishing critical engagement with tools and data services as part of scholarly work.

Cora Ginsburg LLC: A catalogue of rare works of art including 17th to 20th century costume, textiles, and needlework

1.1995 –

ISSN: 2381-7291; eISSN: 2381-7283

The catalogues of the New York art gallery Cora Ginsburg LLC present the gallery’s extensive collection of historical and modern textiles, clothing, and objects from Western Europe, the United States, and Asia.
The online-edition is published with a delay of one year.

Denkmal Hessen

1.2021 –

ISSN: 2747-4542; eISSN: 2749-3067

The journal is published by the Landesamt für Denkmalpflege Hessen (LfDH). It contains contributions from paleontological and archaeological (soil-)monument preservation as well as from building and art monument preservation in Hesse. The issues are published twice a year simultaneously online in open access and in print.

Denkmalpflege in Baden-Württemberg – Nachrichtenblatt der Landesdenkmalpflege (DenkmPflBadWürt)

1.1958/59 –
(1958-1970): ISSN: 0342-0027; eISSN: 2366-4851
(1972-): ISSN: 0465-7519; eISSN: 2366-486X

The journal, published by the Landesamt für Denkmalpflege (regional council of Stuttgart) informs about cultural heritage and monument conservation in Baden-Württemberg. All digital versions are available for download, starting with the first issue, published in 1958, until the most recent issue.

Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschichte (DFK Paris): Jahresbericht / Rapport annuel

2014 –

ISSN: 1776-9671; eISSN: 2554-9863

Every year, the DFK Paris publishes an Annual Report which offers an overview about its activities and all its research projects. Le DFK Paris publie chaque année un rapport d’activités. Celui-ci offre un panorama des activités de recherche ainsi que du développement de l’institut au cours de l’année universitaire précédente.

Heritage at Risk

1.2000 –

ISSN: 2365-5607; eISSN: 2365-5615

Heritage at Risk (World Reports on Monuments and Sites in Danger) was founded in 1999 by ICOMOS International. Its aim is to provide information to the general public on current events concerning grave threats to cultural heritage and UNESCO world heritage sites, and to offer solutions to frequent problems.

ICOMOS - Hefte des Deutschen Nationalkomitees

1.1989 –

ISSN: 2365-5623; eISSN: 2365-5631

The journal, published by ICOMOS Deutschland, was founded in 1989 and is dedicated to diverse problems associated with the protection and conservation of monuments. In addition, it contains publications and results of international conferences organized by ICOMOS Germany and its partners.

Interface Critique

1.2018 –

ISSN: 2570-0472; eISSN: 2570-0480

Interface Critique promotes an understanding of the interface as a historical and cultural phenomenon and encourages comprehensive interdisciplinary perspectives. IC is not interested in the enhancement of usability, ergonomic questions of design or optimization of user experience.

International Journal for Digital Art History

1.2015 –

ISSN: 2363-5398; eISSN: 2363-5401

This biannual peer-reviewed journal provides information about current developments in the field of global digital art history and aims to promote discourse on, and between, history of art and information science.

Jahrbuch der Berliner Museen

62.2021 –

ISSN: 0075-2207; eISSN: 2940-5165

The Jahrbuch der Berliner Museen has been founded in West Berlin in 1959 as Neue Folge of the Jahrbuch der Preussischen Kunstsammlungen. The Staatliche Museen zu Berlin thus succeeded the renowned annual of the former museums of Prussia which was dissolved in 1947. Today it is one of Germany's leading annuals in the area of art history, archaeology and conservation science. It contains contributions by members of the museums and collections as well as other specialists. Scholarly articles are published in German, English, French, and Italian.

Journal für Kunstgeschichte

1.1997 –

ISSN: 1432-9506; eISSN: 2509-2510

The „Journal für Kunstgeschichte“ is being released quarterly and includes detailed reviews on selected, relevant new publications from all fields in Art History. The journal comprises original articles by renowned experts that have not been published before.
The issues are being made available with a moving wall of five years.

kritische berichte - Zeitschrift für Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften

1.1973 –

ISSN: 0340-7403; eISSN: 2197-7410

The journal „kritische berichte“ is the press organ of the Ulmer Vereins (Verband für Kunst- und Kulturwissenschaften e.V.). It was founded in 1973 during a methodological crisis in the field of history of art, and during the rise of the new art history movement.
The online edition will be published until 2022 with a moving wall of three years. From 2023, the issues will be published without a moving wall in open access (gold).

KULTEC – Magazin für Technik, Kultur und Museumsarbeit

2021 –

eISSN: 2750-2643

KULTEC is the journal of the TECHNOSEUM in Mannheim, published once a year exclusively online. The articles are at the interface of technology, social, cultural and art history. On the one hand, the focus is on object-centred research, especially on technical cultural assets from the museum's own holdings, and on the other hand on museum-scientific insights into the work of the museum.

KulturGut: aus der Forschung des Germanischen Nationalmuseums

1.2004 –

ISSN: 2366-9217; eISSN: 2366-9225

„KulturGut“ publishes illustrated articles and essays dedicated to current research and to the collections of the Germanischen Nationalmuseums (GNM) in Nuremberg. The journal’s focus is on material culture. Since April 2004 KulturGut has replaced its predecessor journal “Monatsanzeiger” and is published quarterly in a printed and a digitized version.

Kunstchronik. Monatsschrift für Kunstwissenschaft

1.1948 –

ISSN: 0023-5474; eISSN: 2510-7534

Since 1948, the Central Institute for Art History has been publishing the journal "Kunstchronik. Monatsschrift für Kunstwissenschaft". It is also the news organ of the Association of German Art Historians.


2007 –

eISSN: 1864-5690

„Kunstrechtsspiegel“ is the quarterly journal of the German Institute of Art and Law (Insitut für Kunst und Recht IFKUR e.V.). It contains academic articles, current judgements, announcements for conferences and symposiums as well as news from within the field of art law.


2001 –

eISSN: 1618-8101

Kunsttexte.de is one of Germany's oldest open access journals and is based at the Humboldt University since 2001. In six to ten editorial sections covered by a fix staff of volunteers, articles are published embracing art history from antiquity to the present, along arguments regarding the history and current production of visual and audible perceivable artifacts, their theory, preservation, transmission and reception. The articles coming from these different sections are published as a quarterly.

Landesmuseum Württemberg Tätigkeitsbericht

1.2013 –

ISSN: 1868-6494, eISSN: 2749-5477

Die alle zwei Jahre erscheinenden Tätigkeitsberichte des Landemuseums Württemberg geben eine Übersicht über die Aktivitäten des größten kulturhistorischen Museums in Baden-Württemberg. Das Museum betreut über einer Million Objekte aus den Sammlungsbereichen Archäologie, der Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte sowie der Alltags- und Populärkultur.

Miradas. Elektronische Zeitschrift für Iberische und Ibero-amerikanische Kunstgeschichte

1.2014 –

eISSN: 2363-8087

„Miradas“ is appearing annually as an academic, peer-reviewed and open-access journal intended to serve as a platform for topics relating to the art history of the Américas and the Iberian peninsular, together with promoting scholarly exchange between German-speaking, Hispanic and Lusitanian historians of art and culture.

Mitteilungen aus dem Germanischen Nationalmuseum

1884 – 1921

ISSN: 2509-405X; eISSN: 2509-4068

The journal of the Germanischen Nationalmuseums focuses on material culture and publishes papers by curators of the museum as well as external researchers.

Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Archäologie des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit (Mitteilungen der DGAMN)

1.1991 –

ISSN: 1619-1439; eISSN: 1619-1471

„Mitteilungsblätter“, the journal of the Deutschen Gesellschaft für Archäologie des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit, contains printed versions of talks and reports of archeological conferences and research groups, information on new publications, book reviews, and other relevant articles. It is published annually, such that it is available in time for the yearly meetings of the society.

Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz

1.1908 –

ISSN: 0342-1201; eISSN: 2532-2737

The "Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz", founded in 1908 as a publication forum of what was still at the time a fledgling institute, is now one of the oldest and most prestigious art-historical journals worldwide. The journal publishes original research dedicated to Italian art from Late Antiquity to the 20th century, including its global outreach.

Monatsanzeiger / Germanisches Nationalmuseum Nürnberg

1.1981 – 276.2004

ISSN: 2366-9195; eISSN: 2366-9209

From 1981 until 2004, the „MonatsAnzeiger“ served as a calendar of events for museums and galleries in Nurmenberg. It was published monthly by the Germanischen Nationalmuseum and contained information on exhibition dates, guided tours, talks, concerts, and other events.


2012 –

ISSN: 2364-8910; eISSN: 2364-8929

„Monumenta“ was founded in 2012 by the ICOMOS national committees in Germany, Luxemburg, Austria and Switzerland. It aims ito intensify the scholarly exchange between the four committees and to promote their collaboration on the preservation of historical monuments, especially in German-speaking countries.

Monuments and Sites

2004 –

eISSN: 2365-5631

„Monuments and Sites“ is a publication series re-established in 2004 by ICOMOS International, with the participation of 100 national committees and more than 25 specialized research committees of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS).

NEUE kunstwissenschaftliche forschungen

2014 – 2017

eISSN: 2363-7781

The journal "NEUE kunstwissenschaftliche forschungen" is aimed specifically at young scholars of history of art and related research disciplines. The e-journal serves as a platform for dialogue between established scholars and early-stage researchers.

Neuwerk - Zeitschrift für Designwissenschaften

2009 –

ISSN: 2509-3959; eISSN: 2509-3967

Neuwerk was founded in 2009 by the MA Design Studies at the Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle. The magazine is being published by the Design Faculty. Students of the MA Design Studies independently both work on and edit the magazine.

Pamiętnik Sztuk Pięknych / Fine Arts Diary

1.2001 –

ISSN: 1730-0215; eISSN: 2658-1655

Pamiętnik Sztuk Pięknych / Fine Arts Diary is a journal devoted to the study of modern and contemporary art and artistic culture. Journal with articles in Polish (with English summary) or English is edited by the Polish Institute of World Art Studies and Tako Publishing House in Toruń.

Quart. The Quarterly of the Institute of Art History at the University of Wrocław

1.2006 – 70.2023

ISSN: 1896-4133; eISSN: 2449-9285

Quart has been published since 2006. It presents works of primarily Polish art historians, but it is also open to suggestions from around the world. The basic assumption of the magazine is the publication of papers from the entire scope of art history, from prehistoric art to the latest phenomena. Publishing papers that use various methodologies, including the latest ones, is equally important.

Regards croisés : Revue franco-allemande d’histoire de l’art, d’esthétique et de littérature comparée

1.2013 –

ISSN: 2941-3524; eISSN: 2509-4750

Regards croisés was founded in 2013 by art historians and philosophers and is an annual Franco-German journal. Its aim is to address the lack of mutual knowledge regarding current research in the fields of art history, aesthetics, and comparative literature in both language regions, largely caused by the absence of translations.

RIHA Journal

2010 –

eISSN: 2190-3328

Launched by the International Association of Research Institutes in the History of Art (RIHA), this open-access e-journal is devoted to the full range of the history of art and visual culture..

Römisches Jahrbuch der Bibliotheca Hertziana

1.1937 –
(1937-1988): ISSN: 0258-557X; eISSN: 0258-557X
(1989-): ISSN: 0940-7855; eISSN: 2702-7139

On an international scale, the Römisches Jahrbuch der Bibliotheca Hertziana is a journal in the field of Italian art and architectural history from. It publishes studies of a vast methodological spectrum, focusing in particular on Roman, Italian and Mediterranean art and cultural history in its European and global context as well as broader aesthetic questions concerning the history of science or the history of media.

Sediment – Resources for and Studies in the History of the Art Market

30.2019 –

ISSN: 1438-9495; eISSN: 2628-7129

In its journal sediment - Materialien und Forschungen zur Geschichte des Kunstmarktts / Resources for and Studies in the History of the Art Market, the ZADIK has been reporting on its holdings and research since 1994. Issue 30 marked the transition from a printed publication to an eJournal with print on demand.

SIK-ISEA Jahresbericht / Rapport annuel

2012 –

ISSN: 1663-4942; eISSN: 2673-2858

The Swiss Institute for Art Research, founded in 1951, is a centre of excellence in art research and art technology with a national and international focus. Its activities focus on research, documentation, knowledge transfer and services in the field of fine arts, with the creation of art in Switzerland from the Middle Ages to the present day being the main focus.

Studia z architektury nowoczesnej / Studies on the Modern Architecture

1.2000 –

eISSN: 2658-168X

Studia z architektury nowoczesnej / Studies on the modern architecture - is a journal devoted to modern and contemporary architecture, urban studies and thought on architecture.
From 2013 journal is prepared as annual - with articles in Polish (with English summary) or English - by the Polish Institute of World Art Studies (PISnSŚ) with the Department of History of Modern Art, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń and edited by PISnSŚ and the Tako Publishing House. Editor: Dr. Joanna Kucharzewska.

Südwestdeutsche Beiträge zur historischen Bauforschung

1.1992 –

ISSN: 0944-4009; eISSN: 2366-9233

The volumes are published by the Landesamt für Denkmalpflege im Regierungspräsidium Stuttgart in collaboration with the Arbeitskreis für Hausforschung, Regionalgruppe Baden-Württemberg and deal with various topics in historical building research.
At present, older volumes are made available here. After clarifying some unresolved copyright issues, newer volumes will follow.

TERMS: CIHA Journal of Art History

1.2021 –

eISSN: 2941-5594

TERMS seeks to explore the discrepancies, distortions, and programmatic potentials of various perspectives in globalized art history, especially of marginal and dissident views. TERMS publishes yearly as an Open-Access-eJournal, with innovative essays to explore the decisive terms of art-historical terminology.

transfer – Zeitschrift für Provenienzforschung und Sammlungsgeschichte | Journal for Provenance Research and the History of Collection

2022 –

eISSN: 2940-1089

The online journal transfer – Zeitschrift für Provenienzforschung und Sammlungsgeschichte | Journal for Provenance Research and the History of Collection is an academic publication platform in the area of provenance research and the history of collection as well as adjacent fields of investigation, like art market studies, reception history, cultural sociology, or legal history. Annual issues will be published exclusively online in open access (diamond).

Unser Münster / Die Informationsschrift des Münsterbauvereins Breisach e.V.

1.1990 –

ISSN: 2364-3706; eISSN: 2364-3714

Since 1990, "Unser Münster" is the bulletin of the Münsterbauvereins Breisach e.V. It contains reports about the history and architecture of St. Stephan Minster as well as providing information about current events related to the minster.

Zahlen & Materialien aus dem Institut für Museumsforschung

1.1982 –
(1982-2020): ISSN: 2747-934X; eISSN: 2747-9358
(2021-): ISSN: 2747-9366; eISSN: 2747-9382

In the series Zahlen & Materialien from the Institut für Museumsforschung, the Institut für Museumsforschung of the Nationalmuseum in Berlin publishes the results of its annual Statistical Survey of Museums in the Federal Republic of Germany.